For the first time, 21 News heard from the new managers of Trumbull Regional Medical Center and Hillside Hospital. Insight Health Systems spent their first 24 hours mainly assessing what state they hospitals are left in. Representatives said they're off to a better start than they could have hoped.

“Could the patients receive the highest level of care? Did we have the right equipment? Was that equipment in good shape?” Dr. Rany Aburashed, Corporate Chief Medical Officer and President for Insight Health said about the questions they asked when assessing the hospitals. “I'm pleased to say that those are so that's a very good thing for the organization and for the patients in the community.”

Dr. Aburashed and his team have decided to keep all medical services that they currently offer up and running. While those services are happening, they will also be dealing with what Steward has left behind. 

“From there, you really have to dive into the depths of sort of everything related to revenue… you know one of the biggest things in a hospital is the facility itself, the HVAC units, the boilers,” Dr. Aburashed said.

Along with fixing the cosmetics and the financial state of the hospital, staff members hope one of Insight’s priorities is getting more people. 

“Slow and steadily people have been taking other jobs…I mean, we're not at a skeleton crew, but it's becoming really close, especially on night time,” an anonymous nurse from Trumbull Regional said. 

That nurse told 21 News, because of the low numbers they're dealing with long shifts, sometimes 16 hours, and worries about how they will continue to help patients with what they have now.

“We’re fighting, we’re still trying to get the best quality of care. We care about our jobs. We work very hard,” the nurse said.”... I just don’t want a repeat of Steward.”

Dr. Aburashed recognizes they are dealing with high turnover but said it’s a balance. 

“I would love to have a million new staff members, but if we can't pay them then it's pointless,” he said. “You need the right staff to be there and so we will bring them in as we need to, to facilitate getting us across that finish line.”

Insights' goal is to have the hospitals fully transitioned in the next 90 days. They eventually plan to buy both facilities and turn them into non-profits.

“We’re not here just to sort of do patch work. Our goal is that we expand Trumbull into a state of the art - I mean it already does some incredible things to be honest with you - but we want to take it to that next level,” Dr. Aburashed said.