Rail Commission approves $3 million new rail yard in Youngstown.

The Ohio Rail Commission approved a resolution Thursday approving the creation of a new railyard inside Youngstown.
The resolution for the Youngstown and Southeastern Railroad (YSSR) - Lansingville Yard will create a large-scale rail yard with the approval of a nearly $1.5 million grant to go along with another nearly $1.5 million from the railroad company.
The property sits off Poland Avenue in the city and is owned by Midwest Bluegrass Rail out of Kansas City, Missouri.
The total project funding will be $2,915,232.40.
Now approved, construction will begin for the new railyard to be used as centralized storage of items in transit operation, with a 5-yard track to be constructed with a capacity for up to 220 cars.
The construction will create 15,000 feet of new track and six turnouts.
The need for a new railyard is based on YSSR, the rail line extending 25 miles into Columbiana County with a limited storage capacity and will allow the rail line to retrieve railcars more efficiency.