Youngstown leaders discuss downtown parking

Youngtown City Council's Parking Committee met Wednesday afternoon to discuss parking downtown.
The meeting took place at 3 p.m. on the 6th floor of Youngstown City Hall.
Youngstown First Ward Councilman Julius Oliver told 21 News the purpose of this meeting was to find ways to streamline parking in downtown Youngstown in order to increase foot traffic and encourage support for downtown businesses.
Councilman Oliver said one topic of discussion would be allowing for more free parking in some city-owned lots.
As it stands, one free parking lot with 110 spots is open on Commerce Street near the intersection with Phelps Street. This lot is open 24 hours and guests can park there for up to four hours.
Multiple lots were discussed during the meeting, and suggestions were shared on how to improve parking.
One suggestion included enforcing prevention of individuals parking on the plaza near 'OH WOW' which is for pedestrian use only, citing the safety of families that use that plaza to enter the building.
Officials also suggested considering the proposal and institution of license plate scanning for paid parking lots.