Years Ago | February 4th

21 WFMJ archives / February 5, 1981 | American Heart Association members and guests gathered to kick off the association's annual drive 44 years ago. From left, Ted Roberts, residential campaign chairman; Lindsay Koenders, 3, 1981 Heart Child; Michele McPhee, Canfield Middle School student, seen demonstrating the Heimlich maneuver; Brent Koenders, 9, Lindsay's brother; Dr. William Binning, Heart Fund campaign chairman. Back row, David Barnes, a Poland High student who saved his father using the Heimlich maneuver.
February 4
2000: Tom Humphries, president of the Youngstown-Warren Chamber of Commerce, says U.S. Rep. James A. Traficant Jr. is hurting the Mahoning Valley by failing to bring together area leaders to create a business plan for the area.
Mahoning County Commissioners now defend their decision to lay off deputies, janitors, and secretaries rather than wait for a November vote on the half-percent sales tax.
A former inmate at the Trumbull Correctional Insitute is expected to receive a $56,000 settlement after accusing guards of what his lawyer described as medieval treatment. At one point, he was stripped and handcuffed in a crucifixion pose on the bars of a cell.
1985: Wayne M. Lovan, agent in charge of the U.S. Treasury Department's Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms in Youngstown, arrived at the Mahoning Plaza expecting to buy an M-16 military assault rifle but quickly realized his seller aimed to rob him. Five agents swooped in and arrested the robber and two accomplices.
Salem City Council's financial expert and 22-year veteran, Jack Rance, announces he will retire at the end of the year.
The Rev. Charles P. Henderson Jr., son of retiring Common Pleas Judge and former Mayor Charles P. Henderson, will preach at the 11 a.m. service at First Presbyterian Church of Youngtown, which honors the retiring judge. The younger Mr. Henderson is senior pastor at Central Presbyterian Church of New York and the author of two books: The Nixon Theology and New Proof for the Existence of God.
1975: Striking nurses vote overwhelmingly to reject the latest offer of the Youngstown Hospital Association, continuing a strike that began Dec. 23.
The Youngstown Area Chamber of Commerce is conducting a comprehensive air travel survey to obtain improved flight service at the Youngstown Metropolitan Airport.
1950: The United States will be limited or developed depending on whether it ignores or develops its water resources, says Oscar L. Chapman, secretary of the Interior, during a visit to the Mosquito Creek Reservoir.
More than 30 Columbiana County Health Board officials plan a meeting to explain a proposed unified milk sanitation program endorsed by the state health department.