With many Valley schools posting yard signs congratulating the Class of 2020, someone is using the same method to express their displeasure about the way a Canfield public school has responded to coronavirus precautions.

21 News spotted five yard-type signs early Tuesday planted in front of C.H. Campbell Elementary School on Moreland Drive. Each sign has hand-written messages on both sides criticizing things like distance learning and the number of hours that teachers are working during the current school shutdown.

Like other schools in Ohio, in-person learning has been suspended until further notice due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Here are the messages on the signs:

“NO to remote learning in the Fall”

“If you only meet with students 1-2x per week, this is a parade of shame”

“Pick up the phone and call your students”

“Satisfied w/ 100% pay and only 1-2 hours of face time per week?”

“Meeting w/students only 1-2x per week is theft, not education”

“All pay and no work makes jack want to vote NO for Canfield Schools”

“Now is the time to be a meaningful educator”

“Raise your hand if you meet with students only 1-2 times per week. DISGRACEFUL”

“Compensation without production her is theft”

“You have nothing to celebrate”

Canfield police say they had not received any reports about the signs until contacted by 21 News.  The messages on the signs do not indicate who may have posted them.

21 News reached out to Canfield Local School District Superintendent John Tullio who issued the following statement:

"The Canfield Local School District teaching staff is working diligently to deliver emergency remote instruction. It’s a shame that an individual would attack our entire teaching staff who are working extremely hard during this pandemic. We have received positive feedback about our instruction however if parents are experiencing problems, as some have, they should contact their building administrator to voice concerns."

The signs were posted as C.H. Campbell Elementary is observing “Staff Appreciation Week”