A 7-year-old Sharpsville boy is battling a rare form of brain cancer.

Alyssa and Frank Dukes said it was their worst nightmare when they discovered their son, Lucas Dukes,  had a brain tumor in March. 

Now the entire school district is coming together to support Lucas and his family.

"24 hours... our life has changed," Alyssa Dukes said, "from two happy healthy kids to one now heading for brain surgery."

Dukes said Lucas had some headaches, leading to an emergency room visit to find Lucas had a brain tumor.

He's been in the hospital ever since battling metastatic medulloblastoma. 

"It was terrifying but we didn't know what was happening... what to expect," she said. 

Lucas underwent multiple surgeries and is now undergoing radiation. Because of a surgery complication, he has a breathing tube in, unable to speak at the moment, let alone stand or walk. 

However, his mom is hopeful his recovery is headed in the right direction and Lucas is not facing this journey alone.

His entire second-grade class at Sharpsville Elementary is coming together for him.

They gathered together in the auditorium to chant "Lucas Strong" and "We love you, Lucas."

His buddies are making sure Lucas feels the love.

"I bought him an easter basket and put some stuff in it because I didn't want him to miss easter," a friend of Lucas' Cameron Steele, said, "The last place I saw him was at the park."

Lucas' Cub and the Boy Scout pack also made bracelets for him and his classmates are sending gifts and donations.

"Within our second grade, we collected gift cards, financial donations, toys and books and things that Lucas could use when he's in the hospital," Lucas' teacher, Deanne Lauther, said.

"As a mom, my heart's bleeding for them," Sharpsville mother, Stacey Miodrag said, "I just couldn't think of any other way to help them other than financially with gas and not being able to work and just being able to be there and provide for him."

Dukes said she is very grateful.

"It's just been amazing," she said. "All the support we've got."

She said Lucas is expected to be discharged from UPMC Children's hospital next week. He'll be finishing radiation and will then start chemo-therapy at the Ronald McDonald House, as well as working to regain the strength to walk and talk.