An Austintown Trustee's request for a change of venue for his trial has been denied with his trial beginning in Mahoning County on Thursday.

A jury has been selected and seated for the trial of Austintown Trustee and former Poland resource officer, Steve Kent, who is accused of sexual battery during his time as a school resource officer.

In late July, Kent's attorney had filed a motion for a change of venue, arguing that the publicity surrounding Kent and his alleged crimes will make it difficult to seat an impartial jury. 

A brief filed by Senior Assistant Attorney General Kara Keating acknowledged the media coverage of Kent's case but argues that this does not necessarily mean the court won't be able to find impartial jurors.

Kent did not file papers for reelection as Austintown Trustee by Wednesday's deadline.

A separate civil lawsuit filed in federal court by the alleged victim against Kent, Poland Trustees, and the school board, has been placed on hold pending the outcome of Kent’s criminal case.