As Vienna Township continues to struggle to get out from under a fiscal emergency, firefighters got some good news this week.

The Vienna Volunteer Fire Department announced that they have been selected to receive a $10,000 grant from the State Farm Good Neighbor Firefighter Safety Program.

The program, a collaboration between State Farm and the National Volunteer Fire Council (NVFC), awarded grants to 100 local fire departments across the country to help them purchase essential equipment.

The grant will allow the department to purchase new pagers and rescue equipment, which will enhance its ability to respond to emergencies and protect the community, according to a post on the department’s Facebook page.

In July, the state auditor placed Vienna Township under fiscal emergency after finding a deficit fund balance of more than $1 million, the largest portion of which was attributable to fire services. The township treasury had a deficit of $627,636.

The township’s Fiscal Emergency Commission is working on developing a plan to chip away at the deficit.