Austintown Board of Trustees meeting set

Austintown- The Austintown Board of Trustees meeting will be held Monday, July 13 at 6 p.m. at the trustee building at 82 Ohltown Rd.
The agenda of the meeting is to discuss monthly reports from the road and cemetery department, the police and fire departments, and the zoning department. The zoning department will discuss a motion to determine properties which constitute as a public nuisance pursuant to Ohio Revised Code 505.87, which authorizes the trustees to provide for the abatement, control, or removal of vegetation, garbage, refuse and other debris from land in the township if a nuisance and motion on motor vehicles in the township to meet all the criteria to be declared public nuisances under Ohio Revised Code 505.871, which deals with the removal of junk cars.
New business to be discussed will include a motion to authorize the trustees to continue their support of the Governmental Natural Gas Aggregation Program with opt-out provisions. The township is lookng to execute an agreement with IGS Energy, to continue a natural gas aggregation program beginning Nov. 2020 through Oct. 2023.
Another motion of new business will be an increase in appropriations of the Law Enforcement Trust Fund to $192,000.
Public seating at the meeting will be limited as advised by Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine to help reduce the spread of the coronavirus.