The boil alert that was in effect for Masury water customers served by Aqua was lifted Saturday at 1 p.m.
Customers are expected to be notified by a phone call from Aqua.
The section of A St.  in Sharon that was damaged just after midnight Friday by the break has been temporarily paved.
Aqua will be replacing a 500-foot section of the broken circa 1920, 12-inch cast-iron main, with a new 8-inch ductile iron main.
That construction work is expected to begin next week.
Pennsylvania customers had their water service restored at 10 a.m. Friday. 

The force of the break put a hole in the road, causing parts of it to float downhill where flooding occurred.  

Crews were able to shut down the main around 2 a.m., leaving about 25 Aqua Pennsylvania customers in Sharon without water.