The Girard fire department distributed bottled water for residents who were out of water in their homes late Sunday morning.

According to a post from the Girard Fire Department's Facebook page, bottled water was being distributed at the corner of Trumbull Avenue and Dearborn Street for residents of the Parkwood Neighborhood.

Additionally, the department says there is a well open and available near the pavilion at Liberty Park where residents can access water for flushing toilets and other needs.

Girard Fire Chief, Jim Petruzzi tells 21 News that the reason for the water outage in the area is a water main break in the Parkwood area.

"[Water] has been off and on for a few days. A couple lines have broken so crews have been working to try to rectify the problem, but unfortunately, it's not something that's very quick to fix," Petruzzi said.

Petruzzi tells us he's been informed that the break has been fixed and he's hoping all residents will have their water back on shortly.