The Mill Creek Metroparks Board of Commissioners met on Monday to discuss many forthcoming improvements to the metroparks.

A PowerPoint presentation sent to 21 News by Mill Creek Metroparks Community Engagement Director, Jaime Yohman details what visitors can soon expect when visiting the metroparks.

One section of the presentation entitled "Strategic Master Plan" features two goals to improve the metroparks' infrastructure and natural resources respectively.

One goal is to "create an effective capital improvement and maintenance plan to preserve the historical aspects of Mill Creek MetroParks as well as provide a safe and enjoyable experience."

Another is to "enhance Mill Creek MetroParks' management of natural resources through improved access of developed trails, opening new parks in underserved areas of the county, and incorporation of a natural resources management plan."

In addition, the presentation listed several capital improvements coming soon to the metroparks. The list is as follows: 

- Annual Road Improvements ($350,000 budgeted). These improvements will be for Chestnut Hill Drive, West Park Drive Phase II and Lily Pond Drive. These will improve vehicular, as well as bicycle and pedestrian traffic, as well as stormwater management. Additionally, the improvements would compliment recent trail and parking lot improvements. Work will include asphalt patching, planing and overlay paving, pavement markings and aggregate shoulders.

-  Annual Parking Lot Improvements ($225,000 budgeted). Improvements will go to the East Golf Hike and Bike Trail parking lot and will expand the number of parking spaces, improve vehicular, bike and pedestrian traffic, improve trailhead amenities and compliment recent trail and parking lot improvements. Work includes excavation, grading asphalt paving and pavement markings, signage bollard and gates. There will also be annual preventative maintenance including crack filling, sealing of asphalt trails and aggregate shoulders alongside park drives.

- Annual Trail Improvements ($229,000 budgeted). Improvements will go to the Mill Creek Park Hiking Trails, the Vickers Nature Preserve and the MetroParks Bikeway. The Hiking Trails will see improvement to trail surfacing, stormwater damage and infrastructure, signage and access. the Nature Preserve will see equestrian trail improvements and the Bikeway will see pavement repair, crack filling and asphalt overlay.

- Annual Signage Improvements ($25,000 budgeted). Improvements include facility signage for regional facilities, as well as Mill Creek Park road names and wayfinding signage for Newport and golf sections.

- Annual Pavilion Improvements ($25,000 budgeted). Improvements will go to the Vickers Nature Preserve and the Bears Den Service Facility. The Nature Preserve will see stable, office and pavilion improvements and the Service Facility will see building and roof repairs.

- Annual Comfort Station and Restroom Improvements ($75,000 budgeted) Improvements include the construction of a new precast concrete vault restrooms for East Golf Hike and Bike Trail. A new CXT restroom will be incorporated into the improved trailhead facility. 

- Indoor Golf Training Facility ($350,000 budgeted). There will be three bays with golf simulators, a putting green, a club fitting area, an office, restrooms and a storage area.

- Vickers Nature Preserve Improvements ($350,000 budgeted). Improvements include vehicular, pedestrian and equestrian traffic improvements, a public parking lot, a truck and horse trailer parking lot, frontage treatment and curb appeal, stormwater management infrastructure, trail improvements and native plantings.

- Lanterman's Mill Site Improvements ($11,000 budgeted). There will be mill entrance and deck improvements including repairs to the mill's front entrance.

- MetroParks Farm Improvements ($50,000 budgeted). Improvements will be for the NCAA Cross Country Course Phase II and will include enhancements to the course including signage, utilities, markings amenities, final surfacing, etc. It will also provide access for use by public schools.

- Hawkins Marsh Site Improvements ($190,196 budgeted). These improvements will improve accessibility and include aggregate entry drive and parking lots, an improved trail system, habitat restoration and signage, kiosks and benches.

- Mill Creek Wildlife Sanctuary and Sanctuary Expansion Improvements ($75,000 budgeted). Improvements include habitat improvements, vegetative invasive species control and site and accessibility improvements.

- Collier Preserve Improvements ($20,000 budgeted). Improvements include habitat and site improvements, vegetative invasive species control and accessibility improvements.

- Fellows Riverside Gardens Improvements ($216,000 budgeted). The funds will go towards the Davis Education and Visitor Center, Rose Garden improvements including a children's garden and FRG site improvements including restroom improvements. 

- MetroParks Bikeway - Kirk Road Trailhead: $25,000 Budgeted for concept design.

The full PowerPoint can be viewed here.