Condolences are being posted on social media after the death of a racer Saturday during a crash near Salem.

Al "Zee" Zukauskas was killed when his jet dragster crashed on the track during a race at Quaker City Motorsports Park.

The crash occurred during the race track's "Night of Fire" event.

The car was going 286 miles per hour prior to the accident.  First responders say the dragster rolled over and caught fire.

Right now it is unclear what caused the accident. However, according to a video taken at the event, the vehicle appears to have collided with the track's side wall and exploded.

The event was delayed as emergency personnel worked to piece together what happened.

The following message was posted on the venue's Facebook page and website.

The Fox family and all the QCMP staff want to extend our deepest sympathy to the family and friends of Al Zukauskas, the driver of Hot Blade. He was a long time racer who tragically lost his life in a high speed crash at Quaker City Motorsports Park on Saturday July 22. To spectators, Al was a great racer. To the racing community, Al was a father, husband, and a friend who enjoyed racing and entertaining crowds. He will be sadly missed by all who knew him.
May God bless you and keep you for all eternity.
Your friend, Norm



The Goshen Police are waiting for the official report from the coroner's office to rule out any medical conditions that could've caused the accident.