Mahoning County Commissioners have voted to ban larger solar farms in 10 townships in the county.

County Commissioner Anthony Traficanti tells 21 News that commissioners unanimously voted to ban solar farms in "unincorporated areas," which Traficanti says means rural communities and townships.

These areas include Austintown, Beaver, Berlin, Canfield, Coitsville, Goshen, Jackson, Milton, Poland and Springfield Townships, meaning construction of what is described as "any economically significant wind farm, large wind farm and large solar facility" is now prohibited in these townships.

Commissioners had previously acted to ban such facilities in Green Township as well. Traficanti says all of these communities requested wind solar farms and turbines to be banned in their communities.

Traficanti tells 21 News that this can potentially be reversed if there is a change in trustees or another resolution is passed to reverse the bans. There is also the option to take it to the State level.