Valley auto dealer's computer system working again after CDK Global cyberattack
About two weeks after a hack of CDK Global, the company has restored service to most of its clients.
According to Automotive News, a statement from CDK Global said 'substantially all dealer connections are live.'
The hack affected around 15,000 car dealerships throughout the U.S. and at least three in the Mahoning Valley.
Jim Shorkey Auto Group was one of the dealerships affected by the cyber incident.
The systems at Jim Shorkey locations in the Valley are back up and running. General Manager Justin Bradley said the CDK system came back online Monday evening.
CDK's software being down was a huge blow to the dealership's operations. Bradley told 21 News that its used for all car deals, repair service orders and part orders.
The hack left the dealership to revert to old ways during the outage.
Bradley said they used a typewriter to write contracts. Now that the CDK system is back up and running they have to add the information from the last two weeks into the database.
Related coverage: Car dealerships feeling weight of cyber incident