About one month after taking over operations at two Trumbull County hospitals, Insight Health Solutions has been named the designated operator for those two hospitals.

According to a filing in the United States Bankruptcy Court, Insight Health Solutions has been named the designated operator for Trumbull Regional Medical Center and Hillside Rehabilitation Hospital in Warren pursuant to a global settlement with Medical Properties Trust (MPT).

This came after Insight was named as the hospital's interim operator while Steward Health and MPT finalized ownership of the two hospitals.

Insight took over the hospitals' operations after Trumbull Regional and Hillside Rehabilitation Hospital were set to close on September 19 unless someone else stepped in to take over operations.

The deadline to file an objection to this matter is October 9. If an objection is filed before that date, an emergency hearing will be set.

You can read more about Insight taking over operations in our related coverage below.