Ohio Turnpike resumes charging late fees on unpaid tolls

The Ohio Turnpike Commission has resumed charging late fees and collections for unpaid tolls. Fees were suspended in August 2024 to allow drivers time to adjust to the new open-road tolling system, which replaced toll booths with electronic tolling.
Under the new system, drivers without an E-ZPass transponder are mailed invoices for tolls they incur. The commission says nearly 347,000 tolls remain unpaid from April through December 2024.
Drivers who fail to pay the first invoice within 30 days will be charged a $5 late fee on the second invoice for each unpaid toll.
Additionally, drivers who exit through a cash/credit lane without paying a toll will be issued a $5 administrative fee. If the notice remains unpaid for 30 days, a $5 late fee will be added to each unpaid toll.
Beginning February 10, 2025, unpaid tolls will be referred to the Ohio Attorney General's Office for collection and the Ohio Bureau of Motor Vehicles for potential registration holds.
Mailed invoices and notices that remain unpaid for 90 days will be sent to the Attorney General's Office and/or the BMV.
The commission says accounts involved in an active dispute or resolution process will not be referred for collection or registration holds.
Drivers can pay tolls online at www.ezpassoh.com or by calling the customer service center at (440) 971-2222.