OVI suspect tells Boardman Police she had cows to milk

A Jackson Township woman pulled over during a traffic stop in Boardman asked Police how long her arrest was going to take because she had to milk cows in the morning.
Officers say 27-year-old Natasha Rae Aliff asked the question as she was being arrested on charges of OVI, obstructing official business, resisting arrest, assault on a police officer, possession of drug paraphernalia, open container, drug abuse, failure to obey a traffic control device, and driving without headlights.
According to police, Aliff was pulled over after 1 a.m. Monday after an officer spotted her minivan speeding along Route 224 without headlights, and ignoring a red light when it turned onto South Avenue.
Police say they found suspected marijuana in the minivan and a bottle of Fireball whiskey on the console.
The police report says Aliff appeared to be intoxicated and was not cooperative during her arrest, pulling away from officers several times, and was placed in leg shackles after allegedly kicking and clawing an arresting officer.
According to the report, Aliff refused to give police her current address and phone number, asking an officer how long it was going to take because she had to milk cows in the morning.
Instead of going home, Aliff spent Monday in jail awaiting a hearing in Boardman Court scheduled for Tuesday morning.
Police say Aliff’s arrest was recorded on their body cameras.