Work is underway to collect ideas and donations to revive a deteriorating playground at Firestone Park in Columbiana.

Using the theme “Let’s Bring Fun Back to Funland!”, Columbiana Project Playground have created a web page showing the current condition of the playground, and soliciting public opinion on what should be included in a revival of the playground.

Constructed in 1995 as a community project, Funland is coming to the end of its 20-year life expectancy.

The website includes pictures of broken fences, damaged playground equipment, protruding nails, rotting wood, and other safety hazards.



The website includes a survey asking people what they want to see in a revitalized, all-inclusive playground.

Included in the survey are pictures of playground equipment as well as faux grass, rubber, and other types of surfaces available for areas where children play.

The survey may be accessed by following the below link:

The deadline to complete the survey is December 31, 2023.

The Columbiana Playground Committee is seeking initial donations to help launch the planning. Checks should be made out to Columbiana Project Playground and mailed to PO Box 156 Columbiana, Ohio 44408