A new analysis using data from Tripadvisor ranked a botanical garden in the Mahoning Valley No. 3 in the country.

Fellows Riverside Gardens located in Mill Creek Park made the list, with 76.61% of reviews describing the garden's beautiful setting.

A list of ranked Botanical Gardens nationally was put together by Pergola and pavilion designers at Pergola Kits USA. It analyzed reviews on Tripadvisor of 260 botanical gardens across the country. The analysis looked at positive descriptions on the popular website, such as "stunning," and "beautiful."

Fellows riverside Garden attracts over 400,000 visitors every year. This garden is twelve-acres, and displays a landscape with diverse and colorful plant displays, roses of all classes, and seasonal displays.

Tripadvisor listed Fellows Riverside Garden as No. 1 of 80 things to do in Youngstown. 

The top 10 list also included Hersey Gardens in Hershey, Pennsylvania, which received a 74.85% in the analysis.