PennDOT starts enforcement of statewide work zone speed cameras

The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) alongside the Pennsylvania State Police (PSP) began enforcement of the statewide Work Zone Speed Safety Camera program on Tuesday, March 5.
This follows a pilot program that was in effect for five years.
During the pilot program's operation, PennDOT reported a 38% reduction of speeding in work zones (1 mph or more over the speed limit), a 47% decrease in excessive speeding in work zones (11 mph or more over the speed limit) and a 50% decrease in work zone crashes when a speed enforcement vehicle was present.
The new program made several adjustments put into effect February 15 including a 15-day warning period beginning on the mail date of the first violation.
This means if a driver is caught speeding in a work zone, they will not receive a second violation until 15 days after the violation is mailed to them. This would allow time for the warning to be delivered and to educate them about the program so they could change their driving behavior.
Once the warning period is up though, multiple violations can be received on consecutive days or even on the same day. Those violations will be a warning for a first offense, a $75 fine for a second offense and a $150 fine for all offenses onward.
These violations are civil penalties only and no points will be assessed to violators' driver's licenses.
Under this new legislation, all violations are reset meaning everyone will start off with a first violation even if they had received violations during the pilot program.
However, unpaid violations that were issued during the pilot program are still valid and will continue to be pursued.
Work zones with speed cameras deployed are marked with signage in advance. To improve driver awareness and make sure the signs are easily noticed, new high-visibility signs will be implemented.
Camera systems are only operational in active work zones where workers are physically present. To check where these enforcement areas are or may be in the future, click here.