Caretaker accused of stealing nearly $10,000 from 99-year-old client in Brookfield

The former caretaker of a 99-year-old Brookfield man is accused of stealing nearly $10,000 from him by forging his signature on checks made out to her and using his credit cards without permission.
According to a police report, police spoke with the victim and his son back in January with the victim's son explaining his family hired a caretaker for him by the name of Felicia Splitstone, who worked as his caretaker between September and December of 2023.
Police say the family noticed inconsistencies in the victim's signature on some of the checks and suspected Splitstone of forging his signature stating that the victim keeps his checkbook in his dresser drawer so Splitstone could have grabbed it at any time while working as his caretaker.
Police say there were six checks total with five being made out to Splitstone and the sixth being made out to Cortland Industrial, a company Splitstone rents from. These checks totaled $4,450.
Officers later spoke with the owner of Golden Caregivers out of Sharpsville, which is the company Splitstone worked for during her time as the victim's caregiver. The owner told police the last day Splitstone cared for the victim was December 21.
Police say all of the checks were dated after December 21.
Later in February, police were informed by the victim that a couple of his credit cards had been used without permission with purchases totaling $5,882.99 from companies like Amazon, DoorDash, Epic Games and PlayStation.
Police say these credit cards were kept in the same spot the victim kept his checkbook.
Between the credit card purchases and checks, Splitstone had allegedly stolen $9,899.04 from the victim.
Police eventually spoke with Splitstone on February 22, who claimed the victim had given her checks to help her out financially.
When questioned about the inconsistent signature on the checks, Splitstone initially lied to officers, but eventually admitted to forging his signature and using his credit cards at his home.
Court records show Splitstone is charged with theft from a protected class, receiving stolen property and forgery. She was arraigned on these charges on Thursday, April 4 and is due back in court April 23 for a pretrial.