Lisbon girls launch sweet treats business venture to cover summer camp costs
Two Lisbon girls are using the power of sweet treats and drinks to raise money on their own for a church camping trip at the end of July.
The two 11-year-old girls started this venture last weekend and plan to raise $850, the cost for two kids to go to Camp Frederick in Rogers, Ohio.
Arianna Yost and her best friend, Aubree, will be selling lemonade, baked goods at the Lisbon Farmers Market across from the Columbiana County Courthouse from 9 AM to 1 PM every Saturday through July.
Additionally, the duo will be at the Save A Lot in Lisbon, Sunday, June 16 between the hours of 1:30 p.m. and 4 p.m.
All of the proceeds will go towards the girls' camp fund to attend the camp, the cost of which, is $425 per person.
"They have worked so hard to prepare," says Shawna Yost, Arianna's mother. "They're making and packaging everything themselves. They are hard working, kind, motivated girls."