Lisbon Rite Aid closing while landlord claims Newton Falls shutdown could wipe out savings

As the list of stores being closed by bankrupt Rite Aid here in the Valley grows longer, the landlord of one of those locations says the closure will put his family on the brink of having their savings wiped out completely.
A document filed in bankruptcy court on Friday lists 30 more Rite Aid pharmacies being closed in Ohio and Michigan, including the store on State Route 45 in Lisbon.
That filing comes a week after Rite Aid announced the closing of stores at East Market Street and North Road in Howland, as well as the Rite Aid at West Broad Street and Windham Road in Newton Falls.
Word of the Newton Falls closure has prompted an objection filed by the landlord of that property, S&S Singh Partners.
One of those partners, Sukhjit Singh wrote a letter to bankruptcy judge Michael Kaplan saying that if Rite Aid closes the Newton Falls location, his partners will be left with a property worth less than half of what he paid for it in 2017.
Singh writes that since sales at the store had been trending higher yearly, he was "appalled" as to why Rite Aid exited the market.
"We are small-time folk whose livelihood and savings were invested in this property, and we have a large mortgage balance remaining on the property with an interest rate reset on the horizon," Singh wrote in the letter. "This will leave us in a tough spot and on the brink of having our savings wiped out completely."
Singh notes in his plea to the judge referencing reports that Rite Aid CEO Jeffrey Stein will be entitled to a $20 million "success fee" after exiting bankruptcy and is being paid $300,000 per month in consulting fees.
"It's a real shame that a store which was performing well given the sales data is being shut down, leaving both the local community and us in shambles, while an executive walks away with a considerable amount of money," Singh concludes.
Singh is asking the court to order Rite Aid to pay the rent due to his company through the expiration of the lease.