No timetable for missing Bazetta Township money as FBI investigates email scam
It's been about two weeks since we told you about Bazetta Township falling victim to a phishing scam.
Crooks used a green dot bank account to sent legitimate-looking emails to the Trumbull County Auditor's Office - then bilk the township out of more than 100-thousand dollars. It's a scam the state auditor's office warned about months ago.
"It was completely avoidable," said Trumbull County Commissioner Niki Frenchko. "They transferred county funds to con artists as opposed to the township that's waiting for the money," she said.
Frenchko says she wanted to kick-start the process of getting those funds back to the township.
At Wednesday's commissioners meeting, she asked for the county prosecutor for an opinion on ways to potentially use county funds to bridge the gap.
Commissioner Denny Malloy told 21 News that since the prosecutor's office represents both Bazetta Township and the county as a whole, it couldn't rule on the matter.
But Frenchko said that her motion would've had the prosecutor's office establish whether there was a conflict of interest because of that, and if so, lay out a process to then help the township.
Bill Danso with the prosecutor's office told 21 News Thursday that the office has helped Bazetta Township retain outside counsel, and that the issue will be discussed again at the commissioners' upcoming workshop and regularly scheduled meeting.
"We should be starting the process now to make sure that that community is made whole by the mistake that our auditor made," said Frenchko.
Bazetta trustee Mike Hovis, who pleaded his case to the commissioners Wednesday, told 21 News in a statement "Trumbull County Auditor Officer has no policy in place to address this exact situation to direct her employees on how to address a local government changing a bank of deposit. A resolution from our board of trustees and a signature in person by our fiscal officer should be written policy. Ashtabula and Mahoning County Auditor's Offices have policy addressing this same scenario."
Trumbull County Auditor Martha Yoder released a statement of her own that reads "On September 3, 2024 my office became aware of irregularities with emails received by my office from the fiscal officer of Bazetta township. Since that time the matter has been under investigation by both the Sheriff’s Office and the FBI. My office and staff have been fully cooperative in that investigation. I have been working to find counsel to assist my office in this matter, and follow the legal process to set up representation. Given that there is still a pending investigation, and that I have received what can best be described as communication that is both hostile and inaccurate from the township’s attorney; I have felt it best to wait until after my office has followed the steps required to obtain legal counsel, to have any communication with the township, and until today, not to do so publicly with the Commissioners. Please note that I am a separate elected official, and the commissioners do not oversee me."