The Jackson-Mlilton school district and community are mourning the loss of the Jackson-Milton Middle School's football team's head coach, who died unexpectedly after a medical emergency Wednesday night. 

41-year-old Brandon Puskarcik had just finished his first season as head coach of the Jackson-Milton Middle School football team in October.

Jackson-Milton Athletics shared death on its Facebook page. 

21 News asked Jackson-Milton Superintendant, Kirk Baker for an official comment on Pusarkcik in which he said "It's very unfortunate that this happened.  [The school district] sends prayers to the family."

A Meal Train page has been set up for the family of Pusarkcik so that the community can donate and provide for his family.

Funeral arrangements are still pending. He leaves behind his wife, Melina, and his two children, Jasena and Brandon Jr.