The developer of a fashionable Canfield neighborhood of half-million-dollar homes and a couple living there have filed a lawsuit in federal court because the post office won’t deliver their mail to a letter box outside their home.

C.T.W. Development Corporation, and Nicholas and Gail Evanchan have filed a complaint against Canfield Postmaster Nicholas Elton, claiming their rights are being violated because the postal service is requiring them and the owners of eight other homes along Kyle Ridge Pointe Road to pick up their mail at a centralized delivery unit, instead of at the curb outside of their houses.

The suit alleges that in 2004 the U.S. Postal Service approved curbside mail delivery to homes in the Westford Development.

The lawsuit says that a USPS policy change in 2012 replaced curbside delivery with centralized delivery units, even though 47 other single-family homes still receive curbside delivery.

The Evanchans bought a lot in the development two years ago and built a house there.

Nicholas Evanchan said they have to travel 10 minutes to pick up their mail from the post office on North Broad Street in Canfield. 

"It's frustrating. Early on, I did have bills sent here that didn't get to us, so I was delinquent on a couple of the bills," Evanchan said. 

Chris Gagin, general counsel for C.T.W Development Corporation told 21 News the homeowners should have been excluded from that policy change.

"It's all an attempt by the post office to strong arm us to conform to their policy which again makes no sense to put in a unit curbside for those nine homes," Gagin said. 

The lawsuit wants the court to order that the post office provide curbside delivery to the remaining single-family homes along Kyle Ridge Pointe Road.

The post office has not yet filed a response to the lawsuit.