Suspect killed in Calcutta shooting had previous run-ins with St. Clair Township, Wellsville police

The suspect who was shot and killed by St. Clair Township police officers Wednesday afternoon in Columbiana County had had previous run-ins with law enforcement over mental health concerns, according to police reports and court filings.
29-year-old Joseph Como died Wednesday after police officers returned gunfire on him after he allegedly shot Detective Dakota Wetzel in the head near the 15000 block of St Clair Avenue.
Officers were called to the scene for a report of a suicidal man, and officers located Como walking down a roadway near St. Clair Avenue between a bank and a funeral home.
Police reports show Como had run-ins with law enforcement in 2015 and as recently as December 28.
St. Clair Township police records show that on September 14, 2015, 19-year-old Como threatened to harm himself with a gun, and family members called 911.
The report shows Como fled into a heavily wooded area, and officers attempted to call out to Como, who, according to the police report, told officers they needed to "stand down." The report indicates that Como refused to cooperate and told officers, "Do not come in. You will have to cut me down," the report states.
Additional officers were called to the scene to help get the armed suspect into custody safely.
The report states that one officer for the St. Clair Township Police Department said he had previous dealings with Como.
Como was charged with aggravated menacing. He pled no contest to the charges on December 10, 2015.
Another incident involving Como took less than a month in Wellsville on December 28, 2024.
Wellsville Police Officers were called to the 1200 block of Center Street in the city after the family members of Como had gone to his home taking him groceries and medication. According to the report, Como was diagnosed as schizophrenic and family members stated Como was not taking his medication.
The report states that Como shoved a family member to the ground twice, and officers said that Como could be seen inside the house with a sword but wouldn't answer the door for officers. Como was charged with domestic violence and had a warrant for his arrest.