A new addition is coming to Howland High School.

The school district announced plans of a new fine and performing arts facility that will eventually be connected to the high school. While this will be years in the making, district officials tell 21 News it will be for the entire community to enjoy as well.

"It's the idea of knowing of a community spot for everybody to come together to that one place," explained Kevin Spicher, Superintendent of Howland School District. "This is something important for the community because it was once a place for people to come together and gather and that's what we're really trying to work to make happen."

The Howland School District is establishing plans for a state of the art fine and performing arts center. The district hasn't had a performing arts facility for several years. 

On Thursday, the Tiger community got their first glimpse of the architectural layouts and designs. The facility features an auditorium, dressing rooms, storage and a gallery. The facility is handicapped accessible and features an auditorium that seats 800 people.

"Currently they [students] need to share the space with athletics," explained Andrew Bednar, NCARB with Baker, Bednar, Snyder & Associates. "Basically, kicking the athletes out of the gym to be able to have a band or choral performance. This will allow for that to occur in a much better setting that's acoustically designed. The new facility would compliment the current facility as well as take us into the future."

Spicher tells 21 News once this is eventually completed, it won't be just for the student's of the district. He said anyone within the Howland community or anyone who wants to rent out the space will also be able to utilize it.

"During evenings, weekends, any other time, we wanted to be able to have everything else in there for the opportunities of the community to be able to use it," Spicher said.

Spicher added investing in their fine and performing arts is important and the feedback from students and alumni has already been positive. Howland students were able to give their input on the designs.

"Some of the suggestions they made was to be able to allow for a variety of performances to happen in a variety of spaces," Bednar added.

"Our art departments, drama departments, music departments and speech and debate team have all been participating in all of this up to this point," Spicher said.

Officials are still unsure the cost and time line of the project. At an upcoming board meeting, they hope to approve the project and work out cost estimates.

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